We are responsible for promoting the development of the cocoa industry in PNG
The Papua New Guinea Cocoa Board is a statutory body responsible for promoting the development of the cocoa industry in PNG and facilitating the export of cocoa beans and cocoa products.
Regulating the cocoa industry:
The Cocoa Board is responsible for regulating the cocoa industry in PNG, including setting and enforcing standards for cocoa production and export.
Promoting best practices:
The Cocoa Board works with cocoa farmers and other stakeholders in the industry to promote best practices in cocoa production and to improve the sustainability of the cocoa sector
Providing support to the industry:
The Cocoa Board provides support to cocoa farmers and the cocoa industry through various programs and initiatives, including training and capacity building, research and development, and extension services.
Facilitating export of cocoa products:
The Cocoa Board facilitates the export of cocoa products from PNG by working with buyers and helping to ensure that the necessary documentation and procedures are in place.
Our Services
Industry Development & Research

Since the amalgamation of the Cocoa Coconut Institute Limited (CCIL) following the Functional Expenditure Review in 2015, the Board has also taken on the role of Research, Extension and Development.

The Cocoa Board of Papua New Guinea is the
mandated organization in charge of regulation and
policy of Cocoa as an agriculture crop. Cocoa is the
third most important source of village agriculture
income, after Coffee and fresh food.

The Cocoa Board of Papua New Guinea is mandated
by the Cocoa Act 1981 and Cocoa Regulations 1982
to control and regulate the cocoa industry.